Twilight Triumph: Madrid's Magical Cycle Tour

Madrid, Spain
2.5 Hours


Twilight Triumph: Madrid's Magical Cycle Tour

Embark on an enchanting journey through the heart of Madrid with our Twilight Triumph Cycle Tour. Starting at 5 PM, this 2.15-hour adventure promises to showcase the city's most beautiful sights under the soft glow of the setting sun.

As daylight fades and the city lights begin to twinkle, our state-of-the-art cycle provide a unique and stylish mode of transportation. Led by our expert guides, the tour winds through the charming streets, revealing Madrid's captivating landmarks and hidden gems.

Witness the sun's final embrace with iconic structures like the Royal Palace and Puerta del Sol, as their silhouettes become illuminated against the evening sky. Glide through the atmospheric neighborhoods, such as Barrio de las Letras and MalasaƱa, each street pulsating with the energy of Madrid's rich history and culture.

Along the way, our guides will share intriguing stories and insights, adding a layer of depth to the visual feast that unfolds before you. Capture breathtaking views and make memorable stops at carefully selected vantage points, ensuring you experience Madrid's beauty in all its twilight glory.

This Twilight Triumph Cycle Tour is designed for those seeking a magical and intimate exploration of the city. Perfect for couples, friends, or solo adventurers, it promises an unforgettable evening of discovery and wonder. Book now and let the allure of Madrid unfold before you as the city transitions from day to night. Join us for an extraordinary ride through the city's enchanting sights and create memories that linger long after the sun has set.


Midday Ticket


normal ticket for adult

What is included



What is not included

Where you will be